
High School

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Admissions to the Private High School GALILEO SCHOOL, Dudvážska 6, 821 07 Bratislava 214
To apply please submit the Application electronically via Edupage system or in person to school by 20th March 2025.
  1. Entry Exams - evaluation of a talent to study at a bilingual high school will take place pursuant to the valid school legislation (the School Act no. 245/2008 Z. z.) to consider the knowledge and skills and an ability to study in English language.

  2. The School Principal, upon an agreement with the Teachers Council and the School Founder, has decided to open two first grade classes in the next academic year, in the field 7902 J 74 – bilingual education. Pursuant to the Act no. 61/2015 Z.z. The Bratislava County Council announces the maximum number of admissions by 30th November.

  3. Dates of the Entry Exams: 1st option - 28th April 2025, 2nd option - 7th May 2025.

  4. The content of The evaluation of the talent, abilities, knowledge and skills:

    The test to confirm the abilities to study in the English Language based on the CAT test administered by the GL Assessment in the UK. Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) evaluates the following:

    • verbal
    • quantitative
    • non verbal and spatial
  5. Admission requirement: The applicant must gain at least 75 points SAS from the Verbal part of the cognitive Abilities Test. The applicant must not have been classified with the worsen grade from behaviour in Middle School.

  6. The School Principal will announce the coded rank of applicants both successful and unsuccessful on the 16th May 2025. The absence to the Entry Exams may only be excused to the School Principal due to ill health reasons supported by the relevant medical paperwork.

Admission criteria - GALILEO SCHOOL private high school

    Preferential points will be awarded for the attainment at primary school according to the marks from the year-end classification from the 8th grade and from the semi-annual classification from the 9th grade (or in the case of pupils who are in the 8th grade, from the year-end classification from the 7th grade and from half-yearly classification from the 8th year) except for grade 5 - insufficient as follows:

    Two compulsory subjects:

    • Slovak language and literature
    • Mathematics

    In the grand total, points will be awarded for each mark separately according to the following relationship:

    Number of points = 5.(4−x).(4−x) , where x is a subject grade

    Profile subject - English language:

    In the grand total, points will be awarded for each mark separately according to the following relationship:

    Number of points = 3.(4−x).(4−x), where x is a subject grade


    If the pupil achieved in the 8th, 7th and 6th grade (respectively in the 7th, 6th and 5th grade for a pupil attending the 8th grade) level 1 - excellent from all subjects, 5 points for each school year.


    Points will be awarded to the grand total for each criterion separately from the interval ⟨0; 100⟩

    Subject Olympiad

    The subject Olympiad is included in the overall evaluation if the student placed 1st to 5th place in the district or regional round in the 8th year or 9th year in the Olympics from SJL, foreign language (ANJ, NEJ, RUJ, SJA, FRJ ), DEJ, MAT, FYZ, CHE, BIO, GEG or the Technical Olympiad and Pythagoras.

    GALILEO SCHOOL criteria

    Percentage result in Verbal of the Cognitive Abilities Tests, maximum 100 points.

    Percentage achieved in the online Cognitive Abilities Tests will count as the number of percentage points towards the grand total.

  4. In the event of a tie, the following criteria will be applied progressively:
    1. According to § 67 par. 3 of Act no. 245/2008 Coll. on upbringing and education (School Act) and on the amendment and supplementation of certain acts as amended, preference will be given to an applicant who, according to the decision of the social security assessment commission, has an altered working capacity,
    2. Obtained a larger number of points for point no. 3 Other criteria
    3. Reached a larger number of points for the profile subject of the school.

Input data: a completed application for education at a secondary school, or a student's certificate, diplomas or result sheets proving the student's ranking, or his performance.

The validity of this document is as of 31st January 2022.
For additional info please email

Primary School

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First Grade Enrolment
  1. Children from the GALILEO SCHOOL prep classes (Butterflies, Bumblebees and Lions) will act as first-grade students, they will visit first-grade classes and experience a real first-grade lesson of Mathematics, English and Science with our GALILEO SCHOOL teacher (native speaker). First Grade Enrolment for applicants from other kindergartens will take place on the same day at the same time. Date and time is announced here

  2. What do you need to bring? Applicants from other kindergartens will need:

    • ID card of the legal representative
    • child's birth certificate
    • results of School Maturity Tests
  3. Applicants from other kindergartens need to be accompanied by their legal representatives. Children who can speak English at a communicative level and turn 6 by the end of August can be enrolled in the first grade. (The school reserves the right to test the child.)

  4. In case of interest in enrolling a child from another kindergarten in the first grade of SZŠ GALILEO SCHOOL for the next school year, contact us by email at and we will inform you about the next procedure.

Transfers to the Private Primary School GALILEO SCHOOL, Dudvážska 6, 821 07 Bratislava 214
  1. Please send your questions regarding the studying at GALILEO SCHOOL at , or please call the landline phone number +421 2 4598 1928. Our Admissions Manager Ms Viera Kmeť Drahovská, who is responsible for admissions of new students, will be happy to answer your questions and to arrange a visit to the school.

  2. The School Principal will place the newly admitted child into appropriate yeargroup and class based on the age of the child, the number of years of compulsory education completed, the previous schooling attainment and the English knowledge.


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Admissions to the Private Kindergarten GALILEO SCHOOL, Dudvážska 6, 821 07 Bratislava 214
  1. Please send your questions regarding the studying at GALILEO SCHOOL at , or please call the landline phone number +421 2 4598 1928. Our Admissions Manager Ms Viera Kmeť Drahovská, who is responsible for admissions of new students, will be happy to answer your questions and to arrange a visit to the school.

  2. The School Principal will place the newly admitted child into appropriate yeargroup and class based on the age of the child, the number of years of compulsory education completed, the previous schooling attainment and the English knowledge.