Pearson Edexcel Center
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The IGCSE curriculum is studied by students in Gym 1 and 2. Galileo High School is a Test Centre for Pearson, which is a world-wide educational organisation. The IGCSE subjects that are taught at Galileo High School are Biology, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science, English as a Second Language, French, Geography, German, History, Mathematics, Further Pure Mathematics, Physics and Spanish.

For students to be successful in the 21st Century, the IGCSE Curriculum provides opportunities for the students to develop higher level critical thinking skills, which encourages them to become independent learners.

All IGCSE subjects are assessed via external examinations and the grade range is 9-1.

Students choose their IGCSE subjects after having meetings and consultations with the School’s College Counsellor, teachers, and their parents. IGCSE’s are important for students as it is the first step towards higher education.

For further information please contact the school’s exams officer at [](

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International A Level Brief

The International A Level (IAL) curriculum is studied by students in Gym 3 and 4. Galileo High School is a Test Centre for Pearson, which is a world-wide educational organisation. The IAL subjects that are taught at Galileo High School are Biology, Business, Chemistry, French, German, History, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics, Psychology and Spanish.

The A Level qualification is still recognised by universities around the world as the main pathway for students to be successful in. The IAL qualification is taught using a modular structure and the subject takes two years to complete, with the International Advanced Subsidiary Level (IAS) being completed in the first year. The IAS is equivalent to half an A Level. The second year is called an Advanced level.

IAS and IAL subjects are assessed via external examinations and the grade range for IAS is A-E and the IAL grade range is A*-E.

Students that have completed the IAL qualification at Galileo High School have been successful in applying and studying at universities across the globe.

Students choose their IAL subjects after having meetings and consultations with the School’s College Counsellor, teachers, and their parents. IAL’s are important as it helps the students to become successful independent lifelong learners.

For further information, please contact the school’s exams officer at [](

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Private Candidates IGCSE/A level

As Galileo High School is recognised and approved by Pearson to be an International Test Centre for Central Europe, Private Candidates are eligible to be entered to take exams for both the IGCSE and the International A Level (IAL) qualifications.

The IGCSE subjects that are available for Private Candidates to take an examination are Biology, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science, English as a Second Language, French, Geography, German, History, Mathematics, Further Pure Mathematics, Physics and Spanish.

The IAL subjects that are available to Private Candidates to take an examination are Biology, Business, Chemistry, Economics, French, German, History, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics, Psychology and Spanish.

If you are a Private Candidate and you would like to be entered for an IGCSE or an IAL qualification, please contact the school’s exams officer at [](